Friday, September 29, 2006


Cindy and her staff apparently have too much time on their hands.

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Tooth

1st Tooth. 'Nuff said.


Now that Jack is bigger, he likes to roll onto his stomach when he wakes up. Cindy and I will go into his room to find him doing a push-up and peeking out over the bumper pad to see what's going on.

Labor Day

We all went to Rock Hill for Labor Day and for Will's birthday. Jack had fun swimming at the pool, but he wasn't so fond of going underwater. Later, Kyle and Richard came over, and the cousins had a big time in Richard's land yacht, "Uncle Sam"! Who's that fat guy with the dirty face helping Jack float?

The Pear Incident

One fine Saturday afternoon, Daddy sat down with Jack to feed him his first bite of pears. The pears did not get rave reviews. As a matter of fact, they got spit out. Shortly after this picture, Daddy thought he was going to have to do the Heimlich maneuver, but fortunately for all involved, the gag reflex is a wonderful thing.