Sunday, May 27, 2007


We slathered up the boy in sunscreen and took him on a stroll. This was the first one where he could actually do some walking. He did well, but tired soon. He's not used to distance walking, just toddling. That's where the stroller came in handy.

He wore the sunglasses for about 2 minutes, but the hat would actually stay on for several minutes at a time. Occasionally it would be seen to be flung out of the stroller, but was retreived.

Front Porch

The weather is warm but not oppressive. The humidity is low. The bugs haven't gotten plentiful yet due to lack of rain and a late cold snap. The front porch is actually habitable!

I think the closeup of Cindy and Jack is perfect.

Studies in Motion

Pretty self explanatory, I think.

Yet again, more Highchair

Slowly but surely he's learning to use utensils. It's a messy process, but usually fun for him. The dogs like it too.

Hat, Again

Jack made this hat at daycare (he probably looked on as the teacher made it). Of course we had to make him wear it. He didn't seem to mind too bad. Notice how he has already learned how to relax. That's Daddy's little man!

About the pink shirt: they had some special day at daycare. "Learning Stations" or some such. Each group had their own color of shirt they were supposed to wear so they'd be able to sort the kids out easily. Jack's group was pink. He doesn't have any pink shirts, but Lily has a ton of them! Only one small problem: they're all sized for a newborn. So we added 2 extentions to one of her onesies and sent him in.


On May 19, we had some people over for a little party. Jack had a ball and stayed up way past his bedtime. He enjoyed playing "Name that Video: 80's edition", and so did everyone else. Of course, Jack was the hit of the party. Sometimes, Alison didn't hold him!


Jack hates hats, but his parents seem to always put them on him. His "Redneck Outfit" seemed to need a hat, though.