On Saturday, we went up to Grandfather Mountain. We saw some of the wildlife (bears, cougars, deer, and a bald eagle) up close and Cindy and Paul went over the "Mile High Swinging Bridge." Well, Cindy just "went"; Paul gritted his teeth and managed to stumble across. Cindy kept stopping to make helpful suggestions like "Look, Paul. It's not that far down." And then there's the ever popular "Wow, isn't it fun when the bridge sways like that"! On the way back she made Paul pose for a picture. He may look casual, but there are dents in the metal railing from his grip!
Never fear, Jack was safely ensconced in Jane's arms at the base of the bridge area. He had a nice nap, she said. We saw several people carrying their small children in their arms across the bridge. We could just imagine the child doing a patented squirm and "Weeeeeeeee", off the bridge they would go.