Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Video, Part 3 of 3

Christmas Video, Part 2 of 3

Christmas Video, Part 1 of 3

The website that I use to post these videos has a 10 minute limit per video, so I chopped this up into 3 segments. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

More Christmas Pics, Part 3

This picture of Cindy and Jack is one of Paul's favorites, because of their expressions.

More Cristmas Pics...

More Christmas pictures. He's got a little room to grow into the rocking horse!

Boy's First Christmas!

The Boy had a big first Christmas! As predicted, he was sometimes more fascinated with the paper and boxes than the presents, but he did play with everything for at least 3 seconds. Ok, maybe 2. He got lots of musical types stuff and he seemed to love that. Anything he can smack and make noise is fun! Also, everything was duly tasted and pronounced delicious. More pictures above.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The First Christmas Celebration!

Jack had a ball visiting his Grandmama, Granddaddy, his Aunts and Uncles, and his cousins in Columbia, SC. He had fun opening presents (the paper was the best fun)! He enjoyed teething on the new puppies toys also. Many thanks to Carole, Al, Lindsay, and Carlyn for the great hospitality!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Horror of Working With Females

Jack works every day with Cindy, Kristina, Alison, and Sandy. He'll probably be scarred for life.

More Apres Bath

Jack loves a bath! He splashes and has a big old time. When he hears the bath water running, he comes running (ok, crawling, but really fast)! After the bath he is usually not in the mood for any shenanigans, like getting dressed. He does love that hooded towel though!

Sells Mill Park

A few weeks ago, Paul took Jack down to the Sells Mill Park (I just got a chance to upload the pictures). This is a little park run by our county. He loved going down the slide and swinging. Dad couldn't figure out how to take a picture of the two of them swinging together. Too bad they didn't have the little wrap-around toddler swings.

Not a patient Little Man

When he wakes up from a nap he is often very happy, and I'd love to get some good pictures. but he doesn't usually like to stay still for the camera. There are about 45 other pictures of the "Baby Blur."

Miscellaneous Growing Boy

Top to bottom:
**Jack sometimes loves being in his playpen. Sometimes not. But he always stands up in it, either to dance and talk, or to wail and complain.
**He absolutely adores the "Magic Desk." We got it from a friend who had it for their kids. It is great, the (very low resolution) green screen shows pictures and it says all sorts of things, trying to teach numbers and letters and such. He doesn't really care, he just like to bang on it! The best thing of all is that it opens and closes! Anything that opens and closes is the bomb! (Note: that means "good")! We get to hear "Bye-bye" and "Peek-a-boo" endlessly.
**Peas and turkey aren't that big of a hit. :-(