Yes, I know. We've been remiss in posting new stuff to the blog. Once we moved into the new house it seems like it's just been one whirlwind after another! Stop the world, I want to get off!
Actually, it's been quite nice. The house is great, the neighbors are fantastic (we recently had a cul-de-sac block party out in the street. Wine for the adults, a late night of playing in the road for the kids), and the kids are loving it. They love having so many playmates and going swimming and walking and just everything. It really is exactly what we were hoping for. All of the months spent in the apartment were worth it. We didn't 'settle' for the quick option, we waited for the best option.
The top pictures are of the gameroom in full battle array. The kids still enjoy the heck out of it, but at first it was quite the pleasant surprise for them after the cramped apartment. They love spreading EVERYTHING out and going nuts. Curtis the cat loves to just get in the middle of it and take a nap!
The bottom picture shows our contentment. This is us sitting in the open doorway looking back from our screened in porch to the kitchen. A picture is worth 1000 words!