Tuesday, January 30, 2007

More Changes...

We've decided to make Jack's Blog a private blog. Right now it's a public blog, and anyone in the world can view it. It increasingly makes Big Daddy P feel nervous to think about who might be looking at the blog. It's probably a paranoid delusional thing, but...better safe than sorry.
So what this means is that we'll have to send you an email invitation to view the blog. Once you get the invitation, you click on the link in the email and it will take you to a place where you log in with your Google account. (It's a free thing Google offers, kind of like a Yahoo account). After this first time, you'll just go to the website as usual (jackfrank.blogspot.com), except you'll have to log in each time you want to view it.
We know this is going to be a hassle at first, but hopefully it will only be a small detail as everyone gets used to it. Please email or call Paul or Cindy with your comments or concerns.

We'll start the switch to a private blog on March 1. Send us your email address before then so we can put you on the approved guest list!


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